Category: Computers
Sometimes, I hate weekends
Particularly LONG weekends. A lot of the work at my job runs 24×7, and when I come in after a long weekend, there are usally all sorts of issues to deal with. Sigh
Continue reading Sometimes, I hate weekendsWire Management – again
How come, in this day and age of way too many wires, we don’t see desks, either for the home, or for the office, with good cable/wire management features? Wire troughs, outlets trips build in, etc? Yes, I know wireless stuff is becomeing more common now, but that just means you’ll have a USB or […]
Continue reading Wire Management – againCable Management
Did a bit of cable cleanup today – No, the lan cable and the power strip you see on the floor were NOT included
Continue reading Cable ManagementGahhhh
Forgot my Medic ID necklace AND my USB thumb drive at home today (they stay together). I swear that some days I’d forget my head if it wasn’t attached
Continue reading GahhhhShack Updates
Well, I never have gotten the beam up. Two years later, it’s still sitting in the yard. I can’t find anyone to install it, because no one waht the liability of bolting it to the roof. I might just have to save up, and out up say a 40 ft crankup in the yard. One […]
Continue reading Shack UpdatesVista SP1 out..
I see that Vista SP1 is offically out. I guess all those folks who said “I’ll wait until SP1 to try it” can now go out and well, Try it. Want MY Honest opinion of Vista? By now, you’ve probably seen my posts. I LIKE Vista, BUT you have to do things “The Vista Way”. […]
Continue reading Vista SP1 out..Vista, and what went wrong…
First, let me say I use and LIKE Vista. I designed the PC It’s on to well exceed what turns out were political and not technical minimums. I also chose (wisely IMHO) to run the 32 bit version of Vista. Part of my reasoning for all of this is that by trade, I’m a software […]
Continue reading Vista, and what went wrong…Merged Post III
Friday, June 1, 2007IS Code our enemy? (Computers – not Morse) This Morning, Jeff Atwood over at “Coding Horror” wrote an article The Best Code is No Code Commenting on Code is our enemy over at Skrentablog I happen to think BOTH posters are right and wrong. I’ll agree with Jeff that Brevity is extremely […]
Continue reading Merged Post IIIMerged Post 1
Programmer Productivity Jeff Atwood over at Coding Horror has a great post on the relative speed of various CPUs when doing common programming tasks at . I wish I could get my bosses to understand this. I work on an old 530 Mhz single core PC, with 1 gig of Memory, and that’s because I […]
Continue reading Merged Post 1Miscellaneous Musings
It’s been a LONG time since I posted. My ham radio life has been very slow, as I’ve been VERY busy. Mom was in and out of the hospital and rehab (Lung Cancer) etc Anyway, one major problem I had in my station at home was NASTY ‘birdies’ all up and down the band from […]
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