Category: Queens

Ft Totten

Posted on August 23, 2012 in New York City,NYC,Photography,Queens by KG2V

  This used to be the USCG Station at Ft Totten, now part of the FDNY/EMS water training. When most people think of NYC, they think of Manhattan, the skyscrapers, the crowds (aka the Sex in the City/Woody Alan NYC) or Archie Bunker/The King of Queens NYC (the dense parts of the outer boroughs – […]

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Queens Crap

Posted on June 29, 2007 in Blogs,New York City,Politics,Queens by KG2V

For those of you who don’t know, I live in the Borough of Queens in New York City. To say that many sections of Queens are going downhill is an understatement. Nice single family homes being replace with Multi Family homes – many illegally Here is a blog that covers it:

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