Category: CW
New Ones for 5/11
Had a nice QSO with MI0MVP on 15 SSB. Yes, I worked him last week, but he was calling CQ with no one answering so I figured I’d say ‘Hi’. It’s nice to have a real QSO once in a while. Towards the end, the signal started to fade, but Worked OE9MON 15SSB VP2VQ 20SSB […]
Continue reading New Ones for 5/11Contesting and CW
This year, during FD, I tried contesting a bit on CW. Now I’ll admit my CW stinks. I’m slow, and VERY rusty, so I was using CWGet to back me up, which basiclly means I only got to work strong stations. I liked it – I liked it a LOT. The QSOs went a LOT […]
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