Tag: Antenna
QRO – Alpha 78
The shack upgrade is basically complete About 2 weeks ago, I purchased a freshly retubed Alpha-78, which I installed today in place of my SB-230 Now, there are some things I actually LIKE about my SB-230, and I think I’m going to keep it around, as it’s still outputting rated power from it’s admittedly rare […]
Continue reading QRO – Alpha 78New Antennas
Well, the Alpha Delta DX-EE is gone. Oh, it wasn’t a BAD antenna, (in fact I liked it), but I got the chance to put up a beam and a rotary dipole I now have a Force12 C3SS and a D140. No, the neighbors are NOT happy In the last 5 days, I’ve worked SIX […]
Continue reading New AntennasShack Updates
Well, I never have gotten the beam up. Two years later, it’s still sitting in the yard. I can’t find anyone to install it, because no one waht the liability of bolting it to the roof. I might just have to save up, and out up say a 40 ft crankup in the yard. One […]
Continue reading Shack UpdatesAlpha Delta DX-EE – and the Rotor
Yesterday, I ended up having to take the day of to take Dad to the MD (HE has cancer now too), so I did some work on the antennas I took down my Mini-G5RV, and replaced it with a Alpha Delta DX–EE. Based upon some testing, it seems like a LOT better antenna, so I’m […]
Continue reading Alpha Delta DX-EE – and the RotorBeen a while
Since the last time I posted, life has been busy with NON ham stuff – 20 or so QSOs this year! I did wire up the Ham IV, and found that the position sender doesn’t work, and I’ve been SO busy I have not had time to send it out to Norm’s to be rebuilt […]
Continue reading Been a whileWell, MOST of the parts are here
So, the coax and rotor cables are here. I’m waiting on my Cal-Aero balun (should be here today – I hope – Tuesday at worst) and believe it or not, new pins for the AMP connector for my rotor. Yes, my Ham IV is old enough to have the AMP commector. Tomorrow, I’ll probably put […]
Continue reading Well, MOST of the parts are hereAntennas
Well, I’ve ordered the Glen Martin rooftop mount form my beam – a MP-33 which needs 2 parts (on order). The rotor (a Ham IV) is in the garage, and the mast and thrust bearing arrived today. Next week, I’ll order the coax, and the rotor cable, and I should be good to go I […]
Continue reading AntennasThe Beam
Last night, I got a call from Pete (W2IRT) – “XF4 is on the air and LOUD”. I get on the air – just a whisper – below ESP level. Man I HAVE to get my beam up. I talked with my XYL – she has given me the OK as my Christmas Gift. Yea! […]
Continue reading The Beam