Sussex Hamfest

Posted on July 11, 2011 in Ham Radio by KG2V

Went to the Sussex hamfest yesterday. They seemed to have a nice sized crowd (I’d say larger than the last couple of years)

Came home with a 5 port rig runner, an aluminum project box, and the loan of an MFJ 1026 from W2IRT

What I forgot to do was stock up the parts bin – I have no power connector for said MFJ Unit, I don’t think I have any 1/8″ or 1/4″ phone plugs in the house, etc – when did I remember? Just after I left the grounds, and of course I was hot (it was extremely sunny), tired, and my leg hurt (too much walking around on it, and I refuse to use a ham-about.

The connector/parts vendors seem to skip the LIMARC indoor hamfest, so I’m hoping for something at HOSARC

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