Field Day 2006

Posted on July 14, 2006 in Contesting,Ham Radio by KG2V

Normally I go Upstate and do field Day at WA2GUG’s place. This year, due to family commitments (had to watch the children, plus Mom in the hospital), I did Field Day as a class 1E from home

Had a good Field day – 978 points, which SHOULD put me in first for NLI section.

Butt in Chair was a BIG issue – ran frm the start to about 4:30pm, then had to cook dinner for Dad and the kids, so I lost 2 hours there (3 QSOs in 2 hours). Around 2:30am, I hit the wall, and had to sleep. The BIG issue was I set my alarm wrong, and instead of it waking me up at 5:30am, I slept until 7:30am.

My big battery died for tranmit use right around noon – pretty much all I did was get the bulletin. I did get a BUNCH of QSOs on Sunday AM

I’ll admit going into the contest tired – with running to the hospital almost every night, I was averaging less than 6 hours of sleep a night

The GOOD news is that it allowed me to ALMOST finish my WAS – I’m still missing New Mexico

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